Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond
Our Mission
What We Do
Who We Are
How We Do It
Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond's mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and find homes for West Highland White Terriers, to help control the animal population by spaying and neutering our dogs before they are placed in permanent homes, and to provide the public with education about our breed and its needs.
Our primary focus is securing loving homes for unwanted, neglected and/or abused animals. We take particular care in placing our Westies. Our screening process includes an application, reference checks, interview and a home visit to ensure the home and family is compatible with the pet's needs and our requirements. We request owners to sign a contract obliging them to contact us if they cannot provide for the animal for any reason.
A volunteer based 501c3 corporation with no paid positions. We are dedicated to saving the lives of forgotten West Highland White Terriers from all situations. Our rescues are cared for in private homes where they receive medical care and rehabilitation. WROC supports a no kill philosophy. We specialize in Westie skin issues. We work with a behaviorist and trainer for special needs dogs. Most importantly, senior Westies have a special place in our hearts! WROC was founded in the summer of 2008 by a group of dedicated volunteers. We would not be able to continue this important work without our network of volunteers, foster families, supporters and our adopters that have opened their hearts to a rescued Westie.
Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond participates in community events. We depend upon fund raising events and donations to continue our rescue, veterinary care, and rehabilitation. If you would like to donate, WROC now accepts all major credit cards through Paypal.
Why WROC Exists
Though Kay and Karen’s love of the Westie breed has always been prevalent, Westies in need is what brought them together. Aware that so many are overlooked because of their age, health issues, and behavioral issues, Kay and Karen could not turn the other way. They have been rescuing Westies for over 25 years, but their journey to form a rescue organization began with Pippy with behavior issues, Rascal with Addison’s disease, Boo, Mady, and Zach with skin issues; dogs that were unwanted and considered “unadoptable”. It was obvious that there was a great need for Westie Rescue in Southern California; a need that continues to grow as our senior Westies are at the end of their rope, waiting for a gentle hand, & so deserving of a warm bed and a family that will love and cares for them.
WROC is dedicated to the relief of suffering. We find life long loving homes for Westies that for one reason or another are abandoned. Not only do we provide a safe environment within our foster program for behaviorally misunderstood dogs, abused, forgotten, and neglected dogs, we open our hearts for terminally ill dogs, geriatric dogs and health-challenged dogs.
We are a non-profit, 501(c) 3-tax exempt, no-kill Westie rescue and placement organization based in Southern California. Although our focus is primarily on rescuing Westies, we are very involved in our community.
We host many events throughout the year where the Westie community unites with other Westie owners that, simply put…love their dogs!
Our rescue provides an organization where we can share our experiences, knowledge and most of all, a safe and loving environment where all our rescues receive rehabilitation and medical care that is needed. We aim to foster a society that is more informed and aware of the devastating effects of puppy mills, promote animal shelter adoptions, educate children and young adults about the responsibility of pet ownership, share our research and knowledge of canine nutrition and continue to work with other Westie owners throughout our community that suffer from various skin ailments.
We are an active member of the national Westie Rescue network and adhere to the Westie Rescue Code of Conduct (WRCOC) set forth by the West Highland White Terrier Club of America (WHWTCA), and are sanctioned by the West Highland White Terrier Club of America as a rescue partner and members.
We exist for all the Pippy, Boo and Perry’s out there. They were our inspiration to form a Westie Rescue group that did not discriminate against health issues, age, or behavior.
Our Beginning - Pippy
Pippy was believed to have bitten a person even though the circumstances were not clear. Pippy’s previous owner worked 12 hour days and did not have the time for this sweet little girl. Being crated for such a long period of time was detrimental to her behavior and health which her previous owner recognized and did the right thing by asking for help re-homing her. Pippy was rejected by another group that suggested she be euthanized without evaluating her. Thus, Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond was born.
Kay made a promise to Pippy and kept that promise by finding her a wonderful new Westie home with a long-time Westie owner that gave this deserving Westie the attention and exercise that she needed. She thrived and lived a happy and wonderful life in her new home.
Our Inspiration - Boo
Boo, was relinquished to a shelter due to her skin condition in 2007 and Karen soon decided that the only way to save Boo would be to keep her. She found a specialist that correctly diagnosed Boo with Epidermal Dysplasia and secondary Malassezia Dermatitis. Karen's mission was to learn everything she could about skin disorders and diets. Between Dr. Werner’s fabulous care and a special diet regimen that Karen developed specifically for Boo, she made a beautiful recovery. Karen continues to assist the veterinary community about skincare and tells every Westie that she rescues, "Boo sent me".